Brownies and a Big Sister
August 2019

“Brownies and a Big Sister,” Friend, August 2019

Brownies and a Big Sister

The authors live in Colorado and Utah, USA.

a girl making brownies with her grandma

Illustrations by Scott Peck

Bye, Molly! We love you!

Be a good helper for Grandma!

I miss Mom and Dad. When will they get home from the hospital?

After your sister is born. Then you’ll get to meet her!

I don’t know if I really want a sister.

Hey, I need your help with a special surprise.

Let’s make a treat for your parents. What should we make?

Brownies are Mom’s favorite!

Wow, you are a good assistant chef! You know something else your family needs help with?

Eating brownies?

Probably! But you can also help by being a kind big sister.


Yes! I can tell you know how to help your family.

I have an idea for another surprise.

I can’t wait until Mom and Dad AND the baby come home!
