Friends by Mail
August 2019

“Friends by Mail,” Friend, August 2019

Friends by Mail

quotes and pictures from kids

Puff Pancakes!

We read the story “My Eternal Family” (Feb. 2019). The next day we all made Addie’s puff pancakes with our mom. They were delicious! After trying them, we decided to make these pancakes every weekend for breakfast. Thanks for the great story and yummy recipe, Addie!

Eliza, Dixie, and Edith W., ages 3, 5, and 4, Colorado, USA

Our Own Kindness Garden

We loved the idea of a kindness garden, so we decided to make our own. We put it up on a wall in our house, and every week we add a kind deed we did. We plan to do different things each month for our kindness garden. We want to be like Jesus and be kind.

Elizabeth, Eden, and Ephraim S., ages 3, 8, and 5, Georgia, USA

Think Good Things

We took pictures from the Friend and made a poster collage that says “Think Good Things” to help us remember to think about good things around our home. We love the Friend! It helps us learn more about how to become like Jesus.

Jack, Calvin, Maggie, and Clark B., ages 9, 3, 6, and 8, Arizona, USA

Dear Friends,

Our bodies are a gift from Heavenly Father. Bodies come in all shapes, colors, and sizes, but each body is beautiful. That’s right—YOU are beautiful! If you ever feel unhappy with your body, think about all the things your body can do. Check out the game on pages 24–25 to learn about how bodies are like temples.

We love you from head to toe!

The Friend

We apologize! We got the photo wrong for Henry D. in “Friends and Other Faiths” in the July Friend.
