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Ready to Be Baptized?
August 2019

“Ready to Be Baptized?” Friend, August 2019

Ready to be Baptized?

The author lives in North Dakota, USA.

“To be baptized as Jesus was … is just the thing I want to do” (Children’s Songbook, 104).

boy thinking about baptism and talking with missionaries

Illustrations by Josh Talbot

Beep! Beep! Beep! Trevan woke up and turned off his alarm clock. Eight days until my baptism, he thought. That meant his interview with the bishop would be soon. But what if I’m not ready?

That night the missionaries came over for dinner. Taco night was Trevan’s favorite, but it was always more fun with the missionaries. They could even play a game of scripture charades after dinner—as long as Trevan and his sister listened to the lesson first.

“Tonight we have a message about baptism,” Sister Carlisle said.

Trevan jumped in his seat. “I’m getting baptized next week!”

“That’s great!” Sister Carlisle gave him a high five. “Are you excited?”

“I guess so, but I’m kind of worried about talking to the bishop,” Trevan said. “What if I don’t know the answers?”

“It’s OK to be nervous,” Sister Kemp said. “But I bet you know more than you think. Why do you think it’s important to be baptized?”

Trevan wasn’t sure. “To be obedient?”

“Right!” said Sister Kemp. She held up a picture of Jesus. “Baptism is so important that Jesus was baptized, even though He never sinned. When we’re baptized, we make covenants, or promises, with Heavenly Father.”

“Do you know what promises you’ll be making?” asked Sister Carlisle.

“I think so!” said Trevan. “We learned this at home evening last week, right Mom?”

Mom nodded. “We can remember our covenants by remembering the word ‘take.’ Can you remember what the letters stand for?”

Trevan looked at his sister Cassidy for help. “T stands for taking His name upon us,” she said. “A, always remembering Him.”

“I know the next one!” said Trevan. “K is for keeping the commandments.”

“You got it,” said Mom. “And E is for enduring to the end.”

“That means following Jesus my whole life. And repenting when I make mistakes,” Trevan said.

“Awesome!” said Sister Carlisle. “And when we keep those promises, do you know what Heavenly Father promises to give us in return?”

“Uh, blessings?” Trevan asked.

“That’s right,” Dad said. “Heavenly Father promises to forgive us when we repent. He also promises that the Holy Ghost will guide us.”

Trevan nodded. It was starting to make more sense.

Sister Carlisle pulled out a notebook. “If you’re nervous about the questions the bishop will ask you, we can go over them together.” She turned a few pages and read the first question. “Do you have faith in and a testimony of the Savior Jesus Christ?”

“Yeah,” said Trevan. He relaxed as Sister Carlisle read the other questions. “Those are easy,” he said when she finished.

“They are,” Sister Carlisle said. “But it’s still important for the bishop to ask them. He wants to make sure you feel ready to make covenants with Heavenly Father.”

At the end of the lesson, Sister Kemp shared her testimony. “I know Heavenly Father loves us because He hears and answers our prayers.”

“I know that too!” said Trevan. “This morning I prayed that Heavenly Father would help me know if I’m ready to be baptized.”

“And how do you feel now?” Sister Kemp asked.

“I don’t feel so worried anymore,” Trevan said. “I feel ready!”

TAKE the Sacrament

Cut out this bookmark to help you remember your covenants as you TAKE the sacrament!

Take upon myself His name.

Always remember Him.

Keep His commandments.

Endure to the end