“For Older Kids,” Friend, March 2021
For Older Kids
Family History Corner
Interview a grandparent or another family member! First write a list of questions. Then talk to your family member in person or on the phone and ask your questions. You could use a recording app to save your conversation.
A Prayer for Help
I was kind of mad at my parents for not letting me do something. I went to my room and said a prayer, asking Heavenly Father to help me be less mad. I know that when you pray to Heavenly Father in faith, He will answer your prayers.
Sara S., age 10, Utah, USA
Temple Prep Tip: Remember Your Baptism
In the temple, we do baptisms for those who died without having the chance to be baptized when they were alive. Remembering your own baptism can help you understand how happy the people we’re baptized for in the temple feel! Write down what you remember about your baptism.