“Stay Media Safe,” Friend, March 2021
Stay Media Safe
Good-Choice Questions
How do you know what’s good to watch, read, and listen to? Here are some questions to help you choose the right:
Does it help me feel the Holy Ghost?
Does it help me follow Jesus?
How would I feel if the Savior were here with me?
A Turn-Away Plan
What do you do when you see media that isn’t good? Make a plan so you know what to do!
Turn off the phone, computer, tablet, or TV.
Tell a parent or trusted adult what you saw and ask for their help. They can answer your questions and help you.
Do something positive. You could sing a Primary song, read to a sibling, or play outside with a friend.
Focus on the Good
Technology can help you do many good things. What good things has it helped you do?
Here are some ideas!
Video chat with family.
Do family history.
Learn something new.
Watch or listen to something that makes you happy.
Visit the Friend website.