Conference Notes
May 2021

“Conference Notes,” Friend, May 2021

Conference Notes

Friend Magazine, Global 2021/05 May

We Will Live Again

Sister Aburto taught about Jesus Christ’s Resurrection. Then she told a story from her life. When she was nine, her brother died. She wondered, “Where did he go? Will I see him again?” She learned that because of the Resurrection, her brother will live again! The Holy Ghost helped her feel comfort and hope.

This teaches me:

Trying to Be Like Jesus

Elder Stevenson shared a story about being kind. A boy named Minchan and his classmates made fun of a boy at school. When he learned how sad it made the boy, Minchan felt so sorry! He apologized. He told his classmates to stop bothering the boy. Minchan became the boy’s friend. He followed Jesus’s example.

This teaches me:

Service in the Temple

President Eyring said that when his daughter was young, she went to the temple to do temple baptisms. She was the last one being baptized that day. But there were still many names left. The temple workers asked again and again, “Can you do more baptisms?” Each time, she said yes. She was determined to serve the Lord.

This teaches me:

Helping Others

Elder Becerra said that when he was a boy, his dad would look out for people in need. He would say, “Pobrecito” (poor little one). Then he would find a way to help. Elder Becerra learned to have compassion for others. Each person is a child of God, and we can help them.

This teaches me:

Illustrations by Bryan Beach
