Meet Sophie from Norway
May 2021

“Meet Sophie from Norway,” Friend, May 2021

Helping Hands around the World

Meet Sophie from Norway

Meet Primary children helping others, like Jesus did.

girl standinng by sea

All about Sophie

Age: 7

From: Norway

Language: Norwegian

Family: Mom, Dad, and younger brother, Jacob

Goals and dreams:1) Get baptized soon.2) Learn to play the piano.3) Travel to new places.

family picking up trash

Sophie’s Helping Hands

Sophie’s grandparents live by the sea. Sophie and her younger brother, Jacob, love to help their grandmother clean the beach by carefully removing pieces of glass and other items. They make sure the beach is clean and safe for both animals and people.

Sophie says, “Jesus taught us to love each other and to help each other. Taking care of nature and helping to keep it clean and safe for humans and animals is a way of helping others. By taking care of the world around us, we take care of the home of all people. The world God created for us is a great blessing!”

family standing together

Sophie’s Favorites

Place: Home

Story about Jesus: The story of Jesus’s birth

Primary Song: “Book of Mormon Stories” (Children’s Songbook, 118)

Food: Tacos

Color: Pink

Subject in School: PE

Friend Magazine, Global 2021/05 May
