Carolina Reaches Out
January 2022

“Carolina Reaches Out,” Friend, January 2022

Carolina Reaches Out

How could Carolina help her friend?

girl playing hopscotch with boy who is bald

Carolina tried to listen to her teacher. But she could not stop looking at her friend Ramón. He didn’t have any hair!

His hair had been falling out for a while. Now he was bald.

Carolina heard a sound behind her. Cesar and Luis were giggling. She hoped they weren’t laughing at Ramón.

All morning, Ramón hunched his shoulders. He didn’t raise his hand. He looked sad. Carolina wished she could help him feel better.

At last it was time to play outside. Ramón was the first one out of the classroom. When Carolina got outside, she couldn’t see him anywhere! He wasn’t playing soccer. He wasn’t climbing on the bars. And he wasn’t playing hopscotch by the teacher.

There he was! Ramón was standing in the corner of the yard. And Cesar and Luis were there too. Carolina walked closer.

“Look how big his head is!” Cesar yelled.

Luis laughed. “I’d shave my head too if I had such ugly hair.”

Ramón’s hands were clenched into fists. He looked like he might cry.

Carolina ran up to Ramón. “Do you want to play with me?” she asked. She held out her hand, and they walked away together. They kept walking until they were close to the teacher. No one would bother them there.

“Do you want to play hopscotch?” Carolina asked.

Ramón nodded. He drew chalk lines on the ground.

“Are you all right?” she asked.

“I’m OK now.” Ramón smiled. “Thanks for helping me.”

Carolina smiled. She was glad she had been brave enough to help her friend!
