Dinis Finds an Answer
January 2022

“Dinis Finds an Answer,” Friend, January 2022

Pioneers in Every Land

Dinis Finds an Answer

boy kneeling and praying on bunkbed

The bunkbed mattress squeaked as Dinis rolled over. He had tossed and turned all night. But he just couldn’t sleep!

What if the missionaries were wrong? Dinis thought. What if this isn’t the true church after all? What if I’m on the wrong path? The questions kept bothering him.

Dinis’s family joined the Church two years earlier, when he was 10. When the missionaries first taught them, Dinis had felt right away that what they taught was true. Dinis and his family were some of the first people to join the Church in Portugal. Dinis was a pioneer!

But lately he had started worrying. What if getting baptized was not the right choice?

Dinis didn’t tell anyone he was worried. Not his brothers or his sister. Not even his parents. But tonight, it was all he could think about.

Dinis sighed. He looked down over the edge of the bed. His brothers were sound asleep on the bottom bunk. Dinis was alone.

He knew he needed to ask God if the Church was true. He knelt in the middle of his bed. He bowed his head and began to pray.

“Please, God,” Dinis said softly. “Let me know if Joseph Smith really saw you and Jesus.”

Dinis had prayed many times before. But this time was different. Dinis really needed to know. He prayed harder than ever for help.

“I don’t want to be wrong,” he whispered. “I just want to know what’s right.”

Then Dinis felt something. The feeling was strong and warm. It grew until he felt it all over his body. He felt like he might explode with joy!

Dinis knew the feeling was the Holy Ghost. God had answered his prayer! The missionaries were right. Joseph Smith really was a prophet. And getting baptized wasn’t just a good choice. It was the best choice.

Dinis lay on his back and looked at the ceiling. His worries were gone. He pulled his blanket close around him. Before he knew it, he was asleep.

As Dinis got older, he always remembered the night when he prayed in his bunkbed. He knew that he was on the right path as a member of Jesus Christ’s Church. And he knew that Heavenly Father would always hear his prayers.

Portugal is a country in western Europe.

Portugal has one temple. It was dedicated in 2019.

Portugal has the oldest bookstore in the world.

Dinis was baptized in a swimming pool at the mission home.

He served a mission on islands off the coast of Spain, Portugal, and Africa.

Dinis and all three of his siblings served missions at the same time!
