Matt and Mandy
January 2022

“Matt and Mandy,” Friend, January 2022

Matt and Mandy

Mandy talking to Matt

What goals are you planning to set this year?

Matt talking

I want to build my own spaceship and fly to Mars! Want to come with me?

Mandy picture Matt as an astronaut

I think I’ll stay on this planet.

Matt and Mandy talking

Actually, I wanted to plan some ways to serve people this year.

Me too! I bet we could help a lot of people if we work together.

Matt and Mandy talking

I was thinking that too. But I’m not sure where to start.

Well, what about that new family in the ward?

Matt and Mandy talking

Oh yeah! I really like Jada and Tyler, but I’ve only seen them at Primary a few times.

I think their parents work most weekends.

Matt and Mandy talking

Hey, we could ask them to come with us to Primary, and to activities, and …

And Mars will just have to wait.

Illustrations by Matt Sweeney
