Moses Parts the Red Sea
April 2022

“Moses Parts the Red Sea,” Friend, April 2022


Moses Parts the Red Sea

Use this script to act out the story. You can read more about it in Exodus 14.

girl dressed up for play

Roles and Props

  • Reader

  • Moses (with a stick or staff to hold)

  • Pharaoh

  • Israelites

  • Two people to hold up a blanket to represent the Red Sea

Reader: The Israelites were slaves in Egypt. The Lord told Moses to lead them out of Egypt. They went to the Red Sea.

[Moses and the Israelites stand by the blanket.]

Reader: When the Israelites left, Pharaoh was angry.

Pharaoh: We must find them and bring them back!

[Pharaoh pretends to ride in a chariot to find Moses and the Israelites.]

Reader: The Israelites saw Pharaoh coming. They were scared.

Israelites: We should have stayed in Egypt. Now we might die!

Moses: Do not fear! The Lord will fight for you.

Reader: The Lord told Moses to part the sea.

[Moses lifts his staff. The people holding the blanket lift it up.]

Reader: Now the Israelites could walk across on dry ground!

[Moses and the Israelites walk under the blanket.]

Reader: Pharaoh and his men followed them. The Lord told Moses to command the sea to cover them.

[Pharoah walks under the blanket. Moses lifts his staff again. The blanket holders bring down the blanket to cover Pharaoh.]

Reader: The Lord had protected the Israelites! He continued to protect them on their journey.
