Brave Friends
April 2022

“Brave Friends,” Friend, April 2022

Brave Friends

This story took place in the USA.

Molly wanted to be brave like her friend.

two girls talking at school

The bell rang. Molly put her books in her bag. School was over, and she couldn’t wait for the weekend!

“Remember to be ready for your history reports on Monday,” said Mr. Miller. “Have a good weekend, class.”

Molly looked over at Anisha. Her head was down, and she looked worried.

“Hey, Anisha,” said Molly. “Are you OK?”

Anisha sighed. “I’m scared to give my report on Monday. I’ve worked hard on my English since we moved here. But the words in our history book are hard for me to say.”

Molly thought about that. It would be so hard to move to a different country and learn a new language.

“Would it help if we practiced together?” asked Molly.

Anisha nodded. “I would like that. Maybe we can study our vocabulary words too.”

“Sure,” said Molly. “That would help both of us!”

On Monday morning, Mr. Miller stood in front of the class. “We will start class today with our reports.”

Molly turned and gave Anisha a smile. Anisha smiled back, but Molly could see worry in her eyes.

A few other people gave their reports. Then it was Anisha’s turn. People giggled as she walked to the front of the class. Some of them pointed at her and whispered.

Anisha took a big breath. The paper she was holding shook a little.

Molly said a silent prayer. Heavenly Father, please help Anisha do well on her report. And please help me know how I can help her.

The teacher asked the students to listen quietly. But Molly still heard whispering. When Anisha tried to say the hard words, a few people laughed. Molly wished she could make the kids stop giggling and whispering. She made sure to smile whenever Anisha looked at her.

girl speaking in front of class

When Anisha finished, she walked back to her desk. Molly saw tears in Anisha’s eyes. Anisha put her head down on her desk.

Then it was Molly’s turn. She walked to the front of the room. “Before I start, I want to say that Anisha did a great job on her report.”

Anisha looked up.

“She has only lived here for a few months, and she’s already so good at English. She works hard and doesn’t give up. I hope I can be brave like she is.”

After class Molly grabbed her books. She wanted to talk to Anisha. But lots of other students were already gathered around Anisha. They were saying nice things to her.

“Good job on your report, Anisha!” one boy said.

“Some of the names of people and places were very hard to say!” said another girl.

Molly smiled and said another silent prayer. She thanked Heavenly Father for helping her be brave like Anisha.
