“What Was That Song?”
April 2022

“What Was That Song?” Friend, April 2022

“What Was That Song?”

Singing helped Caleb’s fears go away.

children kicking a ball outside

Caleb waved goodbye to Mom. He and his brother and sister were going to spend a whole week at his aunt’s house. It wasn’t too far from where Caleb’s family lived in the Philippines, but it still felt like an adventure. They were going to have so much fun!

They all got in the car. Dad drove them to their aunt’s house. Caleb ran to give his aunt and his cousin a big hug.

“I missed you!” he said.

His aunt smiled. “I’ve missed you too! Come on, I made some treats for you.”

For two days, Caleb played with his siblings and cousin all day long. They played video games. They drew pictures. They ran outside. But on the third day, Caleb didn’t feel well. His body felt weak and achy.

“You must be tired from playing so much,” his aunt said. She gave him a glass of water. Caleb went to bed early.

When he woke up, he felt even worse. He could hardly move! A rash had spread all over his legs. His aunt was worried. She called Mom.

Soon Mom and Dad picked Caleb up and took him to the hospital. The doctor did some tests. He told them that Caleb had a sickness called dengue fever. It sounded scary.

“It’s good that you brought him in,” the doctor said. “He needs to stay here for a while so we can watch him.”

A nurse took them to a room with three other sick children. Mom helped Caleb get into his bed. She hugged him tightly and said a prayer. Then Mom and Dad left.

Caleb was scared. He began to sing a Primary song to help him feel better.

“Heavenly Father, are you really there?” he sang. “And do you hear and answer every child’s prayer?”

children sitting in their hospital beds

The other children listened. “What was that song?” a boy asked.

“I learned it in Primary,” Caleb said. “It makes me feel brave. It reminds me that Heavenly Father is always there for me.”

“Will you please sing it again?” a girl asked. “It’s beautiful.”

As Caleb sang the song again, his fears went away.

“What’s Primary?” asked the other girl. Caleb told them all about church and Primary. He shared his testimony of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

Caleb sang Primary songs to the other kids every day until he went home. He also shared scripture stories. It made him feel better, and he knew it helped them too. He was glad he could share the gospel, even in the hospital.
