Come, Follow Me Activities
July 2022

Come, Follow Me Activities,” Friend, July 2022

Come, Follow Me Activities

For home evening, scripture study, or just for fun!

The Still, Small Voice

children sitting in a line and whispering to each other

For 1 Kings 17–19

Story: Elijah was a prophet. He learned that the Holy Ghost speaks in a still, small voice. You can read this story on page 8 or in 1 Kings 19:11–12.

Song: “The Holy Ghost” (Children’s Songbook, 105)

Activity: Have everyone sit in a line. The first person whispers some words to the next person. Each person whispers the words to the next person. The last person tells everyone what they heard. What can you do to hear the Holy Ghost better?

Naaman and the Miracle

girl and boy drawing with chalk

For 2 Kings 2–7

Story: Naaman had a sickness called leprosy. The prophet Elisha told him to wash seven times in the Jordan River to be healed. At first, Naaman didn’t want to. But when Naaman did what Elisha said, he was healed! (See 2 Kings 5.)

Song: “Quickly I’ll Obey” (Children’s Songbook, 197)

Activity: Make or draw a pretend river using rocks, sticks, chalk, or blankets. Then jump on your river seven times. Talk about how doing simple things God asks us to do can help us.

The Scriptures Can Help Me

girl reading scriptures

For 2 Kings 17–25

Story: King Josiah was righteous. When the lost scriptures were found, he read them to his people. He promised to keep the commandments. (See 2 Kings 23:2–3.)

Song: “Search, Ponder, and Pray” (Children’s Songbook, 109)

Activity: Write, draw, or act out an Old Testament scripture story you like. How has this story helped you? Talk about why the scriptures are important.

Temple Craft

hand-drawn card

For Ezra 1; 3–7; Nehemiah 2; 4–6; 8

Story: The temple in Jerusalem was destroyed. Years later, the people rebuilt it. They were so happy! They “praised the Lord” and “shouted aloud for joy” (Ezra 3:11, 12).

Song: “I Love to See the Temple” (Children’s Songbook, 95)

Activity: Fold a piece of paper in half. Draw or glue a picture of the temple on the front. Then open the fold and draw or glue a picture of yourself inside. Write the words, “I’ll go inside someday.” Talk about how going to the temple can make us happy.

Esther and the King

hand with finger puppets

For Esther

Story: Queen Esther was married to the king of Persia. A man tried to trick the king into killing her people, the Jews. Esther needed to help her people. She asked them to fast and pray for her. When Esther spoke to the king, he promised that the Jews would be safe.

Song: “I Know My Father Lives” (Children’s Songbook, 5)

Activity: Turn to page 16 and cut out the finger puppets. Then use the puppets to tell the story of Esther.

Illustrations by Katy Dockrill
