Meet Ella from Finland
July 2022

“Meet Ella from Finland,” Friend, July 2022

Helping Hands around the World

Meet Ella from Finland

Meet Primary children helping others, like Jesus did.


All about Ella

Ella’s family

Age: 7

From: Uusimaa, Finland

Language: Finnish

Goals and dreams: 1) Become a nurse like her mom. 2) Have a family of her own. 3) Be a singer or a dancer.

Family: Ella, Mom, Dad, two brothers, and a cat named Dose

Ella’s Helping Hands

Ella at the beach

Ella likes to include others. She doesn’t want anyone to feel left out. She really loves her cousins. Some of them are in her ward. She looks for them at Primary each week.

Her cousin Lehi lives in Germany. When he comes to visit, Ella makes sure he feels welcome. She invites him to play with her and her friends.

Ella and her family like to help people in their neighborhood too. At home, she does her chores gladly and helps her brothers do their chores too. Ella says that serving makes her happy.

Ella’s Favorites

Spot Illustrations 1. Basket of bread and fish 2. School House 3. Bowl of Spaghetti 4. Painting palette 5. Brushes with yellow paint.

Story about Jesus: When He fed the people with bread and fish

Place: Her daycare center

Primary song: “I Am a Child of God” (Children’s Songbook, 2–3)

Food: Spaghetti with tomato sauce

Color: Yellow

Subject in school: Art
