Fatima’s Favorite Song
July 2022

“Fatima’s Favorite Song,” Friend, July 2022

Fatima’s Favorite Song

girl and mom walking together in Guatemala

Fatima skipped down the street. She was walking home from school with Mamá. She hummed a song while she skipped.

“Ms. Lopez asked us to learn a song,” said Fatima. “Can you teach me one?”

Mamá smiled. “Of course!”

When they got home, Mamá and Fatima sang songs together. They sang lots of songs. But they hadn’t sung her favorite one.

“Can I sing a Primary song?” Fatima asked.

“Sure,” Mamá said.

Fatima sang “Families Can Be Together Forever.” She practiced the words with Mamá. Then she sang it alone. She sang it until she got all the words right.

At school, Fatima was excited to share her song with her class.

“Does someone want to share their song?” Ms. Lopez said.

Fatima raised her hand. “I will!”

She stood up and smiled. “I have a family here on earth. They are so good to me,” she sang.

While she sang, Fatima felt happy. And she remembered the whole song! Everyone in her class clapped.

girl singing to classmates

After class, Mamá came to pick up Fatima. Ms. Lopez spoke to Mamá.

“She sang a beautiful song. And she didn’t seem scared at all.”

Fatima smiled. So did Mamá.

“We sing beautiful songs every week at church!” Fatima said.

“You can come with us anytime,” Mamá said.

Ms. Lopez smiled. “Thank you.”

Fatima sang as she walked home with Mamá. She liked sharing a song with her class. Singing made her feel happy.

Page from the July 2022 Friend Magazine.

Illustrations by Alessia Girasole
