Temple Tour
July 2022

“Temple Tour,” Friend, July 2022

Temple Tour

temple with palm trees outside

What’s it like inside the temple? Take a look inside the Rio de Janeiro Brazil Temple to find out. The temple is a place where people receive ordinances (sacred acts or ceremonies done with priesthood authority, like baptism).

Recommend Desk

check-in desk with painting of Jesus on wall

When you enter the temple, a volunteer will greet you. If you are there to be baptized and confirmed for others, you will show your paper temple recommend. It shows that you are ready to go inside the temple. You can get a recommend from your bishop or branch president the year you turn 12.


baptistry inside temple

In the temple you can be baptized for your ancestors and others who died without being baptized. You can also be confirmed for them so they can receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Ordinance Room

room with chairs and curtain

Here you will learn more about Heavenly Father’s plan of happiness and His purpose for us on earth. Someday you can come here to make special covenants, or promises, with Him.

Celestial Room

beautiful room with chandelier and tall windows

This beautiful, peaceful room is a place to pray and think about the things that matter most in your life. It reminds us of what our heavenly home might be like.

Sealing Room

beautiful room with mirrors, chairs, and an altar to kneel at

In this room, a husband and wife can be married forever. This is called sealing. Couples kneel at the altar to be sealed. Children can also be sealed to their parents here if they were adopted or born before their family was sealed.

Page from the July 2022 Friend Magazine.
