Kaip galiu kiekvienam padėti jaustis laukiamam?
2022 m. lapkritis

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Kaip galiu kiekvienam padėti jaustis laukiamam?

Pritaikyta iš kalbos „Vieta užeigoje“, 2021 m. balandžio visuotinės konferencijos medžiaga.

Spot 1: A boy of African descent thinking with a thought bubble coming out from the side of his head. Spot 2: A Hispanic girl pointing to her smile. Spot 3: A name tag – no type on it. Spot 4: Two Caucasian boys sitting on a bench together with backpacks on.

Pamąstykite, kaip jūs jaustumėtės būdami jų vietoje.

Spot 1: A boy of African descent thinking with a thought bubble coming out from the side of his head. Spot 2: A Hispanic girl pointing to her smile. Spot 3: A name tag – no type on it. Spot 4: Two Caucasian boys sitting on a bench together with backpacks on.


Spot 1: A boy of African descent thinking with a thought bubble coming out from the side of his head. Spot 2: A Hispanic girl pointing to her smile. Spot 3: A name tag – no type on it. Spot 4: Two Caucasian boys sitting on a bench together with backpacks on.

Įsiminkite naujų žmonių vardus.

Spot 1: A boy of African descent thinking with a thought bubble coming out from the side of his head. Spot 2: A Hispanic girl pointing to her smile. Spot 3: A name tag – no type on it. Spot 4: Two Caucasian boys sitting on a bench together with backpacks on.

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