Jesus blir født
Desember 2022

Jesus blir født

This image is panel 1 Illustrate 7 panels, depicting the Savior’s birth. Panel 1: An angel talking to Mary. The angel talking. A “thought bubble” shows the baby Jesus, or Mary holding Him. Panel 2: Joseph working as a carpenter. Panel 3: Joseph and a pregnant Mary traveling on the road. Panel 4: Mary and Joseph in the stable. Mary is resting and Joseph is gathering hay or getting the manger ready. A few stable animals are nearby. Panel 5: An angel (male) visiting the shepherds and pointing toward Bethlehem in the distance. (Both male and female angels may be portrayed in the host of angels.) Panel 6: Mary, Joseph, and the baby. Shepherds are standing and kneeling around. Everyone looks happy. A star shines in the sky. Panel 7: Modern day, a child gazing happily at a nativity scene at home or looking at a nativity display outside.

For lenge siden kom en engel ved navn Gabriel til en ung kvinne som het Maria. Engelen sa til Maria at hun skulle få en baby. Babyen skulle være Jesus Kristus, Guds Sønn!

This images is panel 2 Illustrate 7 panels, depicting the Savior’s birth. Panel 1: An angel talking to Mary. The angel talking. A “thought bubble” shows the baby Jesus, or Mary holding Him. Panel 2: Joseph working as a carpenter. Panel 3: Joseph and a pregnant Mary traveling on the road. Panel 4: Mary and Joseph in the stable. Mary is resting and Joseph is gathering hay or getting the manger ready. A few stable animals are nearby. Panel 5: An angel (male) visiting the shepherds and pointing toward Bethlehem in the distance. (Both male and female angels may be portrayed in the host of angels.) Panel 6: Mary, Joseph, and the baby. Shepherds are standing and kneeling around. Everyone looks happy. A star shines in the sky. Panel 7: Modern day, a child gazing happily at a nativity scene at home or looking at a nativity display outside.

Marias mann, Josef, var en god mann. Han var snekker.

This image is panel 3 Illustrate 7 panels, depicting the Savior’s birth. Panel 1: An angel talking to Mary. The angel talking. A “thought bubble” shows the baby Jesus, or Mary holding Him. Panel 2: Joseph working as a carpenter. Panel 3: Joseph and a pregnant Mary traveling on the road. Panel 4: Mary and Joseph in the stable. Mary is resting and Joseph is gathering hay or getting the manger ready. A few stable animals are nearby. Panel 5: An angel (male) visiting the shepherds and pointing toward Bethlehem in the distance. (Both male and female angels may be portrayed in the host of angels.) Panel 6: Mary, Joseph, and the baby. Shepherds are standing and kneeling around. Everyone looks happy. A star shines in the sky. Panel 7: Modern day, a child gazing happily at a nativity scene at home or looking at a nativity display outside.

Josef og Maria dro til byen Betlehem.

This image is panel 4 Illustrate 7 panels, depicting the Savior’s birth. Panel 1: An angel talking to Mary. The angel talking. A “thought bubble” shows the baby Jesus, or Mary holding Him. Panel 2: Joseph working as a carpenter. Panel 3: Joseph and a pregnant Mary traveling on the road. Panel 4: Mary and Joseph in the stable. Mary is resting and Joseph is gathering hay or getting the manger ready. A few stable animals are nearby. Panel 5: An angel (male) visiting the shepherds and pointing toward Bethlehem in the distance. (Both male and female angels may be portrayed in the host of angels.) Panel 6: Mary, Joseph, and the baby. Shepherds are standing and kneeling around. Everyone looks happy. A star shines in the sky. Panel 7: Modern day, a child gazing happily at a nativity scene at home or looking at a nativity display outside.

Det var på tide at Maria fikk babyen sin! Josef og Maria fant en stall å bo i.

This image is panel 5 Illustrate 7 panels, depicting the Savior’s birth. Panel 1: An angel talking to Mary. The angel talking. A “thought bubble” shows the baby Jesus, or Mary holding Him. Panel 2: Joseph working as a carpenter. Panel 3: Joseph and a pregnant Mary traveling on the road. Panel 4: Mary and Joseph in the stable. Mary is resting and Joseph is gathering hay or getting the manger ready. A few stable animals are nearby. Panel 5: An angel (male) visiting the shepherds and pointing toward Bethlehem in the distance. (Both male and female angels may be portrayed in the host of angels.) Panel 6: Mary, Joseph, and the baby. Shepherds are standing and kneeling around. Everyone looks happy. A star shines in the sky. Panel 7: Modern day, a child gazing happily at a nativity scene at home or looking at a nativity display outside.

En engel fortalte hyrder om den nye babyen. Hyrdene løp for å besøke ham.

This image is panel 6 Illustrate 7 panels, depicting the Savior’s birth. Panel 1: An angel talking to Mary. The angel talking. A “thought bubble” shows the baby Jesus, or Mary holding Him. Panel 2: Joseph working as a carpenter. Panel 3: Joseph and a pregnant Mary traveling on the road. Panel 4: Mary and Joseph in the stable. Mary is resting and Joseph is gathering hay or getting the manger ready. A few stable animals are nearby. Panel 5: An angel (male) visiting the shepherds and pointing toward Bethlehem in the distance. (Both male and female angels may be portrayed in the host of angels.) Panel 6: Mary, Joseph, and the baby. Shepherds are standing and kneeling around. Everyone looks happy. A star shines in the sky. Panel 7: Modern day, a child gazing happily at a nativity scene at home or looking at a nativity display outside.

En ny stjerne skinte på himmelen. Hyrdene ble glade da de så Jesusbarnet.

This image is panel 7 Illustrate 7 panels, depicting the Savior’s birth. Panel 1: An angel talking to Mary. The angel talking. A “thought bubble” shows the baby Jesus, or Mary holding Him. Panel 2: Joseph working as a carpenter. Panel 3: Joseph and a pregnant Mary traveling on the road. Panel 4: Mary and Joseph in the stable. Mary is resting and Joseph is gathering hay or getting the manger ready. A few stable animals are nearby. Panel 5: An angel (male) visiting the shepherds and pointing toward Bethlehem in the distance. (Both male and female angels may be portrayed in the host of angels.) Panel 6: Mary, Joseph, and the baby. Shepherds are standing and kneeling around. Everyone looks happy. A star shines in the sky. Panel 7: Modern day, a child gazing happily at a nativity scene at home or looking at a nativity display outside.

I julen feirer vi Jesu Kristi fødsel.

Illustrasjoner: Corey Egbert