Torta do dízimo
Dezembro de 2022

Torta do dízimo

Panel 1 Panel story about paying tithing called “Tithing Pie”. 12 spot illustrations detailing a conversation taking place between a primary teacher and his students.

O bispo Romney está aqui para conversar conosco sobre o dízimo.

Panel 2 Panel story about paying tithing called “Tithing Pie”. 12 spot illustrations detailing a conversation taking place between a primary teacher and his students.

Quem sabe o que é o dízimo?

Panel 3 Panel story about paying tithing called “Tithing Pie”. 12 spot illustrations detailing a conversation taking place between a primary teacher and his students.

É o dinheiro que damos ao Pai Celestial!

Panel 4 Panel story about paying tithing called “Tithing Pie”. 12 spot illustrations detailing a conversation taking place between a primary teacher and his students.

Isso mesmo! Compartilhamos 10 por cento do que recebemos com o Pai Celestial.

Panel 5 Panel story about paying tithing called “Tithing Pie”. 12 spot illustrations detailing a conversation taking place between a primary teacher and his students.

Por que temos que doar nosso dinheiro?

Panel 6 Panel story about paying tithing called “Tithing Pie”. 12 spot illustrations detailing a conversation taking place between a primary teacher and his students.

O dinheiro do dízimo é usado para muitas coisas, como a construção de igrejas e templos e para ajudar os missionários.

Se você sentir dificuldade de doar seu dinheiro, isso pode ajudar: Finja que é uma torta de pêssego. Quem quer a torta?

Panel story about paying tithing called “Tithing Pie”. 12 spot illustrations detailing a conversation taking place between a primary teacher and his students.

Eu! Eu quero!

Panel 8 Panel story about paying tithing called “Tithing Pie”. 12 spot illustrations detailing a conversation taking place between a primary teacher and his students.

Certo. Vou lhe dar toda a torta! Agora, você poderia me devolver apenas uma parte dela?

Panel 9 Panel story about paying tithing called “Tithing Pie”. 12 spot illustrations detailing a conversation taking place between a primary teacher and his students.

Claro! Foi você quem me deu a torta.

Panel 10 of Panel story about paying tithing called “Tithing Pie”. 12 spot illustrations detailing a conversation taking place between a primary teacher and his students.

Essa fatia de torta é como o dízimo. O Pai Celestial nos dá tudo o que temos. Ele apenas nos pede que devolvamos uma fatia a Ele.

Panel 11 Panel story about paying tithing called “Tithing Pie”. 12 spot illustrations detailing a conversation taking place between a primary teacher and his students.

No domingo seguinte…

Panel 12 Panel story about paying tithing called “Tithing Pie”. 12 spot illustrations detailing a conversation taking place between a primary teacher and his students.

Esse é seu dízimo, Maya?

Sim. O Pai Celestial me deu tudo o que tenho, por isso estou dando a Ele um pedaço da minha torta!

Ilustrações: Sébastien Braun
