Perché chiamiamo Gesù Cristo il Salvatore?
Dicembre 2022

Un apostolo risponde

Perché chiamiamo Gesù Cristo il Salvatore?

Adattato da “Gesù Cristo – Colui che si prende cura della nostra anima”, Liahona, maggio 2021, 82–84.

Panel 1 Four spot illustrations. 1. A nativity scene 2. A scene where one girl broke someone’s toy and is saying sorry to her grandmother. 3. Scene of the resurrected Jesus standing outside the tomb. 4. Scene of Jesus with children.

Gesù fu scelto per salvarci prima che il mondo fosse creato.

Panel 2 Four spot illustrations. 1. A nativity scene 2. A scene where one girl broke someone’s toy and is saying sorry to her grandmother. 3. Scene of the resurrected Jesus standing outside the tomb. 4. Scene of Jesus with children.

Egli ha reso possibile il pentimento e il perdono.

Panel 3 Four spot illustrations. 1. A nativity scene 2. A scene where one girl broke someone’s toy and is saying sorry to her grandmother. 3. Scene of the resurrected Jesus standing outside the tomb. 4. Scene of Jesus with children.

Poiché Egli è morto per noi e vive di nuovo, noi vivremo di nuovo.

Panel 4 Four spot illustrations. 1. A nativity scene 2. A scene where one girl broke someone’s toy and is saying sorry to her grandmother. 3. Scene of the resurrected Jesus standing outside the tomb. 4. Scene of Jesus with children.

Il Salvatore Gesù Cristo ci dà conforto, forza, aiuto e guarigione.

Illustrazioni di Rosalie Ledezma
