La torta della Decima
Dicembre 2022

La torta della Decima

Panel 1 Panel story about paying tithing called “Tithing Pie”. 12 spot illustrations detailing a conversation taking place between a primary teacher and his students.

Il vescovo Romney è qui per parlarci della decima.

Panel 2 Panel story about paying tithing called “Tithing Pie”. 12 spot illustrations detailing a conversation taking place between a primary teacher and his students.

Chi sa che cos’è la decima?

Panel 3 Panel story about paying tithing called “Tithing Pie”. 12 spot illustrations detailing a conversation taking place between a primary teacher and his students.

È il denaro che diamo al Padre Celeste!

Panel 4 Panel story about paying tithing called “Tithing Pie”. 12 spot illustrations detailing a conversation taking place between a primary teacher and his students.

Proprio così! Condividiamo con il Padre Celeste il dieci percento di ciò che riceviamo.

Panel 5 Panel story about paying tithing called “Tithing Pie”. 12 spot illustrations detailing a conversation taking place between a primary teacher and his students.

Perché dobbiamo dare via i nostri soldi?

Panel 6 Panel story about paying tithing called “Tithing Pie”. 12 spot illustrations detailing a conversation taking place between a primary teacher and his students.

I soldi della decima vengono usati per molte cose, come la costruzione di chiese e templi e per aiutare i missionari.

Se vi sembra difficile donare il vostro denaro, questo potrebbe esservi utile. Fate finta che questa sia una bella torta. Chi la vuole?

Panel story about paying tithing called “Tithing Pie”. 12 spot illustrations detailing a conversation taking place between a primary teacher and his students.

Io! Anch’io!

Panel 8 Panel story about paying tithing called “Tithing Pie”. 12 spot illustrations detailing a conversation taking place between a primary teacher and his students.

Ok. Vi darò tutta la torta! Ora, me ne restituireste solo una fetta?

Panel 9 Panel story about paying tithing called “Tithing Pie”. 12 spot illustrations detailing a conversation taking place between a primary teacher and his students.

Certo! Sei stato tu a darmi la torta.

Panel 10 of Panel story about paying tithing called “Tithing Pie”. 12 spot illustrations detailing a conversation taking place between a primary teacher and his students.

Questa fetta di torta è come la decima. Il Padre Celeste ci dà tutto ciò che abbiamo. Ci chiede solo di restituirGli una fetta.

Panel 11 Panel story about paying tithing called “Tithing Pie”. 12 spot illustrations detailing a conversation taking place between a primary teacher and his students.

La domenica successiva…

Panel 12 Panel story about paying tithing called “Tithing Pie”. 12 spot illustrations detailing a conversation taking place between a primary teacher and his students.

Questa è la tua decima, Maya?

Sì. Il Padre Celeste mi ha dato tutto ciò che ho, quindi io Gli do una fetta della mia torta!

Illustrazioni di Sébastien Braun
