Darila za Jezusa
januar 2023

Zgodbe iz svetih spisov

Darila za Jezusa

Mary, the mother of Jesus, holds the Savior of the World, Jesus Christ, in her arms on the night that he was born into the world. A star shines high up in the heavens and shepherds can be seen walking on a hillside behind them.

Ko se je Jezus Kristus rodil, se je na nebu pojavila nova zvezda. Modreci so vedeli, da je zvezda znamenje, da se je Jezus rodil. Sledili so zvezdi. Potovali so veliko dni.

Three wise men ride on camels as they head toward Bethlehem. The star of Bethlehem goes before them.
A young Jesus Christ is presented with gifts by three Wise men.

Ko so modreci Jezusa našli, so ga obdarovali. Pred njim so pokleknili in ga častili. Vedeli so, da je on Božji Sin.

A brother and sister help shovel snow of a sidewalk and stairs in front of their grandparent's home.

Tudi jaz lahko obdarujem Jezusa. Da ga imam rad, lahko pokažem tako, da posnemam njegov vzor in drugim izkažem ljubezen.

Ilustracije: Apryl Stott
