Követhetem Jézus Krisztust azáltal, hogy imádkozom
2023. január

Követhetem Jézus Krisztust azáltal, hogy imádkozom

Panel 1 of 6 1. Praying at church in Primary class (see reference photos) He would be standing up. 2. Praying by their bed in the morning, kneeling 3. Praying by their bed at night. 4. Praying in a car, in a car seat, seat-belts on. 5. His family praying together at the dinner table, show him with sisters. Including 6 hidden items. 6. Items: Button, Yo-yo, screwdriver, rulers, paint brush, envelope

Imádkozhatok Mennyei Atyához

Panel 3 of 6 1. Praying at church in Primary class (see reference photos) He would be standing up. 2. Praying by their bed in the morning, kneeling 3. Praying by their bed at night. 4. Praying in a car, in a car seat, seat-belts on. 5. His family praying together at the dinner table, show him with sisters. Including 6 hidden items. 6. Items: Button, Yo-yo, screwdriver, rulers, paint brush, envelope

Imádkozhatok reggel, amikor felébredek.

Panel 2 of 6 1. Praying at church in Primary class (see reference photos) He would be standing up. 2. Praying by their bed in the morning, kneeling 3. Praying by their bed at night. 4. Praying in a car, in a car seat, seat-belts on. 5. His family praying together at the dinner table, show him with sisters. Including 6 hidden items. 6. Items: Button, Yo-yo, screwdriver, rulers, paint brush, envelope

Imádkozhatok este, lefekvés előtt.

Panel 4 of 6 1. Praying at church in Primary class (see reference photos) He would be standing up. 2. Praying by their bed in the morning, kneeling 3. Praying by their bed at night. 4. Praying in a car, in a car seat, seat-belts on. 5. His family praying together at the dinner table, show him with sisters. Including 6 hidden items. 6. Items: Button, Yo-yo, screwdriver, rulers, paint brush, envelope

Bármikor imádkozhatok!


Panel 5 of 6 1. Praying at church in Primary class (see reference photos) He would be standing up. 2. Praying by their bed in the morning, kneeling 3. Praying by their bed at night. 4. Praying in a car, in a car seat, seat-belts on. 5. His family praying together at the dinner table, show him with sisters. Including 6 hidden items. 6. Items: Button, Yo-yo, screwdriver, rulers, paint brush, envelope

Mikor imádkozol a családoddal? Keresd meg az alábbi elrejtett tárgyakat.

Illusztrálta: Laura Zarrin