Tôi Có Thể Noi Theo Chúa Giê Su bằng Việc Cầu Nguyện
Tháng Một năm 2023

Tôi Có Thể Noi Theo Chúa Giê Su bằng ViệcCầu Nguyện

Hình Ảnh
Panel 1 of 6 1. Praying at church in Primary class (see reference photos) He would be standing up. 2. Praying by their bed in the morning, kneeling 3. Praying by their bed at night. 4. Praying in a car, in a car seat, seat-belts on. 5. His family praying together at the dinner table, show him with sisters. Including 6 hidden items. 6. Items: Button, Yo-yo, screwdriver, rulers, paint brush, envelope

Tôi có thể cầu nguyện lên Cha Thiên Thượng.

Hình Ảnh
Panel 3 of 6 1. Praying at church in Primary class (see reference photos) He would be standing up. 2. Praying by their bed in the morning, kneeling 3. Praying by their bed at night. 4. Praying in a car, in a car seat, seat-belts on. 5. His family praying together at the dinner table, show him with sisters. Including 6 hidden items. 6. Items: Button, Yo-yo, screwdriver, rulers, paint brush, envelope

Tôi có thể cầu nguyện vào buổi sáng khi thức dậy.

Hình Ảnh
Panel 2 of 6 1. Praying at church in Primary class (see reference photos) He would be standing up. 2. Praying by their bed in the morning, kneeling 3. Praying by their bed at night. 4. Praying in a car, in a car seat, seat-belts on. 5. His family praying together at the dinner table, show him with sisters. Including 6 hidden items. 6. Items: Button, Yo-yo, screwdriver, rulers, paint brush, envelope

Tôi có thể cầu nguyện vào buổi tối trước khi đi ngủ.

Hình Ảnh
Panel 4 of 6 1. Praying at church in Primary class (see reference photos) He would be standing up. 2. Praying by their bed in the morning, kneeling 3. Praying by their bed at night. 4. Praying in a car, in a car seat, seat-belts on. 5. His family praying together at the dinner table, show him with sisters. Including 6 hidden items. 6. Items: Button, Yo-yo, screwdriver, rulers, paint brush, envelope

Tôi có thể cầu nguyện bất cứ lúc nào!

Giờ Sinh Hoạt

Hình Ảnh
Panel 5 of 6 1. Praying at church in Primary class (see reference photos) He would be standing up. 2. Praying by their bed in the morning, kneeling 3. Praying by their bed at night. 4. Praying in a car, in a car seat, seat-belts on. 5. His family praying together at the dinner table, show him with sisters. Including 6 hidden items. 6. Items: Button, Yo-yo, screwdriver, rulers, paint brush, envelope

Em cầu nguyện cùng gia đình khi nào? Hãy tìm các vật được giấu bên dưới.

Hình ảnh do Laura Catrinella minh họa
