Kā tavas ģimenes locekļi var cits citam palīdzēt?
2023. gada janvāris

Apustuļa atbildes

Kā tavas ģimenes locekļi var cits citam palīdzēt?

Pielāgots no runas „Ģimenes padomes”, Liahona, 2016. g. maijs, 63.–65. lpp.

Panel 1 of 4 spot illustrations of various families & kids. Each family should be a different ethnicity. 1. Parents and a child discussing at dinner table. 2. Family choosing new pet. 3. Older sibling helping a younger sibling. 4. Parent and child having a talk.

Lūdziet, ieklausieties, sarunājieties un plānojiet kopā.

Panel 2 of 4 spot illustrations of various families & kids. Each family should be a different ethnicity. 1. Parents and a child discussing at dinner table. 2. Family choosing new pet. 3. Older sibling helping a younger sibling. 4. Parent and child having a talk.

Kopīgi pieņemiet lēmumus. Iekļaujiet ikvienu.

Panel 3 of 4 spot illustrations of various families & kids. Each family should be a different ethnicity. 1. Parents and a child discussing at dinner table. 2. Family choosing new pet. 3. Older sibling helping a younger sibling. 4. Parent and child having a talk.

Vecākie bērni var palīdzēt jaunākajiem.

Panel 4 of 4 spot illustrations of various families & kids. Each family should be a different ethnicity. 1. Parents and a child discussing at dinner table. 2. Family choosing new pet. 3. Older sibling helping a younger sibling. 4. Parent and child having a talk.

Dalieties savās domās, bažās, cerībās un sapņos ar savu ģimeni.

Gabrielas Tafuni ilustrācijas
