Margo un Paulo
2023. gada janvāris

Margo un Paulo

Panel 1 of 12 Two page spread for the Margo and Paolo comic. 1. Margo and Paolo riding a bike. 2. Margo and Paolo standing in front of a map. 3. An elderly woman with an envelope. 4. Margo and Paolo smiling at each other. 5. Paolo reading a letter. 6. Margo and Paolo. 7. Margo and Paolo with their grandmother. 8. Margo and Paolo with their friends. 9. Margo and Paolo playing with friends. 10. Margo with a parrot. 11. Margo and Paolo doing art. 12. Margo and Paolo explaining something.

Sveiki, mani sauc Margo!

Un es esmu Paulo.

Panel 2 of 12 Two page spread for the Margo and Paolo comic. 1. Margo and Paolo riding a bike. 2. Margo and Paolo standing in front of a map. 3. An elderly woman with an envelope. 4. Margo and Paolo smiling at each other. 5. Paolo reading a letter. 6. Margo and Paolo. 7. Margo and Paolo with their grandmother. 8. Margo and Paolo with their friends. 9. Margo and Paolo playing with friends. 10. Margo with a parrot. 11. Margo and Paolo doing art. 12. Margo and Paolo explaining something.

Mēs ar ģimeni esam apceļojuši gandrīz visu pasauli.

Bet tagad mēs esam atgriezušies mājās Brazīlijā.

Katrā vietā, kur pabijām, esam atraduši lieliskus draugus.

Piemēram, Hinu no Japānas un Marko no Itālijas, un …

Panel 3 of 12 Two page spread for the Margo and Paolo comic. 1. Margo and Paolo riding a bike. 2. Margo and Paolo standing in front of a map. 3. An elderly woman with an envelope. 4. Margo and Paolo smiling at each other. 5. Paolo reading a letter. 6. Margo and Paolo. 7. Margo and Paolo with their grandmother. 8. Margo and Paolo with their friends. 9. Margo and Paolo playing with friends. 10. Margo with a parrot. 11. Margo and Paolo doing art. 12. Margo and Paolo explaining something.

Bērni, jums ir vēstule no jūsu draugiem ASV.

Panel 4 of 12 Two page spread for the Margo and Paolo comic. 1. Margo and Paolo riding a bike. 2. Margo and Paolo standing in front of a map. 3. An elderly woman with an envelope. 4. Margo and Paolo smiling at each other. 5. Paolo reading a letter. 6. Margo and Paolo. 7. Margo and Paolo with their grandmother. 8. Margo and Paolo with their friends. 9. Margo and Paolo playing with friends. 10. Margo with a parrot. 11. Margo and Paolo doing art. 12. Margo and Paolo explaining something.

Mets un Mendija!

Panel 5 of 12 Two page spread for the Margo and Paolo comic. 1. Margo and Paolo riding a bike. 2. Margo and Paolo standing in front of a map. 3. An elderly woman with an envelope. 4. Margo and Paolo smiling at each other. 5. Paolo reading a letter. 6. Margo and Paolo. 7. Margo and Paolo with their grandmother. 8. Margo and Paolo with their friends. 9. Margo and Paolo playing with friends. 10. Margo with a parrot. 11. Margo and Paolo doing art. 12. Margo and Paolo explaining something.

Viņi ir saņēmuši mūsu Ziemassvētku apsveikuma kartiņu! Un viņi vēlas, lai mēs viņiem pastāstām par Brazīliju.

Mums ir prieks padalīties mūsu stāstos.

Nāc, iepazīsties ar pārējiem mūsu ģimenes locekļiem!

Panel 6 of 12 Two page spread for the Margo and Paolo comic. 1. Margo and Paolo riding a bike. 2. Margo and Paolo standing in front of a map. 3. An elderly woman with an envelope. 4. Margo and Paolo smiling at each other. 5. Paolo reading a letter. 6. Margo and Paolo. 7. Margo and Paolo with their grandmother. 8. Margo and Paolo with their friends. 9. Margo and Paolo playing with friends. 10. Margo with a parrot. 11. Margo and Paolo doing art. 12. Margo and Paolo explaining something.

Šī ir mūsu vecmāmiņa. Man patīk kopā ar viņu gatavot ēst.

Un man patīk ēst to, ko viņi pagatavo.

Panel 7 of 12 Two page spread for the Margo and Paolo comic. 1. Margo and Paolo riding a bike. 2. Margo and Paolo standing in front of a map. 3. An elderly woman with an envelope. 4. Margo and Paolo smiling at each other. 5. Paolo reading a letter. 6. Margo and Paolo. 7. Margo and Paolo with their grandmother. 8. Margo and Paolo with their friends. 9. Margo and Paolo playing with friends. 10. Margo with a parrot. 11. Margo and Paolo doing art. 12. Margo and Paolo explaining something.

Šie ir mūsu vecāki. Mums patīk kopā ar viņiem iet pārgājienos un atklāt jaunas vietas!

Panel 8 of 12 Two page spread for the Margo and Paolo comic. 1. Margo and Paolo riding a bike. 2. Margo and Paolo standing in front of a map. 3. An elderly woman with an envelope. 4. Margo and Paolo smiling at each other. 5. Paolo reading a letter. 6. Margo and Paolo. 7. Margo and Paolo with their grandmother. 8. Margo and Paolo with their friends. 9. Margo and Paolo playing with friends. 10. Margo with a parrot. 11. Margo and Paolo doing art. 12. Margo and Paolo explaining something.

Šis ir mūsu mazais brālis Lūkass.

Mūsu ģimene adoptēja viņu pagājušogad. Drīz viņu templī saistīs ar mūsu ģimeni!

Panel 9 of 12 Two page spread for the Margo and Paolo comic. 1. Margo and Paolo riding a bike. 2. Margo and Paolo standing in front of a map. 3. An elderly woman with an envelope. 4. Margo and Paolo smiling at each other. 5. Paolo reading a letter. 6. Margo and Paolo. 7. Margo and Paolo with their grandmother. 8. Margo and Paolo with their friends. 9. Margo and Paolo playing with friends. 10. Margo with a parrot. 11. Margo and Paolo doing art. 12. Margo and Paolo explaining something.

Un šis ir mūsu papagailis Kivi. Viņam patīk augļi un dārzeņi!

Vai Kivi vēlas kivi?

Panel 10 of 12 Two page spread for the Margo and Paolo comic. 1. Margo and Paolo riding a bike. 2. Margo and Paolo standing in front of a map. 3. An elderly woman with an envelope. 4. Margo and Paolo smiling at each other. 5. Paolo reading a letter. 6. Margo and Paolo. 7. Margo and Paolo with their grandmother. 8. Margo and Paolo with their friends. 9. Margo and Paolo playing with friends. 10. Margo with a parrot. 11. Margo and Paolo doing art. 12. Margo and Paolo explaining something.

Dažkārt mums mājās iet diezgan traki.

Bet ir arī ļoti jautri. Vai ne tā, Kivi?

Ļoti jautri! Skvīk!

Panel 11 of 12 Two page spread for the Margo and Paolo comic. 1. Margo and Paolo riding a bike. 2. Margo and Paolo standing in front of a map. 3. An elderly woman with an envelope. 4. Margo and Paolo smiling at each other. 5. Paolo reading a letter. 6. Margo and Paolo. 7. Margo and Paolo with their grandmother. 8. Margo and Paolo with their friends. 9. Margo and Paolo playing with friends. 10. Margo with a parrot. 11. Margo and Paolo doing art. 12. Margo and Paolo explaining something.

Mēs nevaram sagaidīt, kad dosimies kādā jaunā Brazīlijas piedzīvojumā.

Lai kur arī mēs būtu, mēs varam sekot Jēzum kopā!

Keitijas Makdī ilustrācijas
