Margo und Paolo
Januar 2023

Margo und Paolo

Panel 1 of 12 Two page spread for the Margo and Paolo comic. 1. Margo and Paolo riding a bike. 2. Margo and Paolo standing in front of a map. 3. An elderly woman with an envelope. 4. Margo and Paolo smiling at each other. 5. Paolo reading a letter. 6. Margo and Paolo. 7. Margo and Paolo with their grandmother. 8. Margo and Paolo with their friends. 9. Margo and Paolo playing with friends. 10. Margo with a parrot. 11. Margo and Paolo doing art. 12. Margo and Paolo explaining something.

Hallo, ich bin Margo!

Und ich bin Paolo.

Panel 2 of 12 Two page spread for the Margo and Paolo comic. 1. Margo and Paolo riding a bike. 2. Margo and Paolo standing in front of a map. 3. An elderly woman with an envelope. 4. Margo and Paolo smiling at each other. 5. Paolo reading a letter. 6. Margo and Paolo. 7. Margo and Paolo with their grandmother. 8. Margo and Paolo with their friends. 9. Margo and Paolo playing with friends. 10. Margo with a parrot. 11. Margo and Paolo doing art. 12. Margo and Paolo explaining something.

Wir haben mit unserer Familie die ganze Welt bereist!

Jetzt sind wir aber wieder zuhause in Brasilien.

An jedem Ort, wo wir waren, haben wir tolle Freunde gefunden.

Hina aus Japan, Marco aus Italien und –

Panel 3 of 12 Two page spread for the Margo and Paolo comic. 1. Margo and Paolo riding a bike. 2. Margo and Paolo standing in front of a map. 3. An elderly woman with an envelope. 4. Margo and Paolo smiling at each other. 5. Paolo reading a letter. 6. Margo and Paolo. 7. Margo and Paolo with their grandmother. 8. Margo and Paolo with their friends. 9. Margo and Paolo playing with friends. 10. Margo with a parrot. 11. Margo and Paolo doing art. 12. Margo and Paolo explaining something.

Kinder! Schaut mal, ein Brief von euren Freunden!

Panel 4 of 12 Two page spread for the Margo and Paolo comic. 1. Margo and Paolo riding a bike. 2. Margo and Paolo standing in front of a map. 3. An elderly woman with an envelope. 4. Margo and Paolo smiling at each other. 5. Paolo reading a letter. 6. Margo and Paolo. 7. Margo and Paolo with their grandmother. 8. Margo and Paolo with their friends. 9. Margo and Paolo playing with friends. 10. Margo with a parrot. 11. Margo and Paolo doing art. 12. Margo and Paolo explaining something.

Von Lukas und Lene!

Panel 5 of 12 Two page spread for the Margo and Paolo comic. 1. Margo and Paolo riding a bike. 2. Margo and Paolo standing in front of a map. 3. An elderly woman with an envelope. 4. Margo and Paolo smiling at each other. 5. Paolo reading a letter. 6. Margo and Paolo. 7. Margo and Paolo with their grandmother. 8. Margo and Paolo with their friends. 9. Margo and Paolo playing with friends. 10. Margo with a parrot. 11. Margo and Paolo doing art. 12. Margo and Paolo explaining something.

Sie haben unsere Weihnachtskarte bekommen! Und sie wollen mehr über Brasilien wissen.

Klar erzählen wir euch mehr!

Lernt erst einmal unsere Familie kennen.

Panel 6 of 12 Two page spread for the Margo and Paolo comic. 1. Margo and Paolo riding a bike. 2. Margo and Paolo standing in front of a map. 3. An elderly woman with an envelope. 4. Margo and Paolo smiling at each other. 5. Paolo reading a letter. 6. Margo and Paolo. 7. Margo and Paolo with their grandmother. 8. Margo and Paolo with their friends. 9. Margo and Paolo playing with friends. 10. Margo with a parrot. 11. Margo and Paolo doing art. 12. Margo and Paolo explaining something.

Das ist unsere Oma. Ich helfe ihr gern beim Kochen.

Und ich esse gern, was sie gekocht haben.

Panel 7 of 12 Two page spread for the Margo and Paolo comic. 1. Margo and Paolo riding a bike. 2. Margo and Paolo standing in front of a map. 3. An elderly woman with an envelope. 4. Margo and Paolo smiling at each other. 5. Paolo reading a letter. 6. Margo and Paolo. 7. Margo and Paolo with their grandmother. 8. Margo and Paolo with their friends. 9. Margo and Paolo playing with friends. 10. Margo with a parrot. 11. Margo and Paolo doing art. 12. Margo and Paolo explaining something.

Das sind unsere Eltern. Wir gehen oft zusammen wandern und erkunden neue Orte!

Panel 8 of 12 Two page spread for the Margo and Paolo comic. 1. Margo and Paolo riding a bike. 2. Margo and Paolo standing in front of a map. 3. An elderly woman with an envelope. 4. Margo and Paolo smiling at each other. 5. Paolo reading a letter. 6. Margo and Paolo. 7. Margo and Paolo with their grandmother. 8. Margo and Paolo with their friends. 9. Margo and Paolo playing with friends. 10. Margo with a parrot. 11. Margo and Paolo doing art. 12. Margo and Paolo explaining something.

Das ist unser kleiner Bruder Lucas.

Wir haben ihn letztes Jahr adoptiert. Bald wird er im Tempel an unsere Familie gesiegelt.

Panel 9 of 12 Two page spread for the Margo and Paolo comic. 1. Margo and Paolo riding a bike. 2. Margo and Paolo standing in front of a map. 3. An elderly woman with an envelope. 4. Margo and Paolo smiling at each other. 5. Paolo reading a letter. 6. Margo and Paolo. 7. Margo and Paolo with their grandmother. 8. Margo and Paolo with their friends. 9. Margo and Paolo playing with friends. 10. Margo with a parrot. 11. Margo and Paolo doing art. 12. Margo and Paolo explaining something.

Und das hier ist Kiwi, unser Papagei. Sie mag Obst und Gemüse!

Magst du eine Kiwi, Kiwi?

Panel 10 of 12 Two page spread for the Margo and Paolo comic. 1. Margo and Paolo riding a bike. 2. Margo and Paolo standing in front of a map. 3. An elderly woman with an envelope. 4. Margo and Paolo smiling at each other. 5. Paolo reading a letter. 6. Margo and Paolo. 7. Margo and Paolo with their grandmother. 8. Margo and Paolo with their friends. 9. Margo and Paolo playing with friends. 10. Margo with a parrot. 11. Margo and Paolo doing art. 12. Margo and Paolo explaining something.

Unsere Familie ist manchmal echt ein bisschen verrückt.

Aber wir haben auch viel Spaß! Oder, Kiwi?

Viiieeel Spaß! Kra, kra!

Panel 11 of 12 Two page spread for the Margo and Paolo comic. 1. Margo and Paolo riding a bike. 2. Margo and Paolo standing in front of a map. 3. An elderly woman with an envelope. 4. Margo and Paolo smiling at each other. 5. Paolo reading a letter. 6. Margo and Paolo. 7. Margo and Paolo with their grandmother. 8. Margo and Paolo with their friends. 9. Margo and Paolo playing with friends. 10. Margo with a parrot. 11. Margo and Paolo doing art. 12. Margo and Paolo explaining something.

Wir freuen uns schon auf unsere neuen Abenteuer hier in Brasilien.

Und wo wir auch sind, wir können Jesus gemeinsam nachfolgen!

Illustrationen von Katie McDee
