April 2023

“Repentance,” Friend, Apr. 2023, 9.

My Covenant Path


Heavenly Father has wonderful blessings for you all along your path back to Him!

Page PDF with illustrations of boy breaking a vase with a baseball, cleaning up the mess, praying, and hugging his mom

Illustrations by Brooke Smart

We all make mistakes as we try to choose the right. But we can repent and be forgiven because of Jesus Christ’s Atonement. Heavenly Father gave us the gift of repentance so we can always try again.

When I Repent:

I recognize that I made a wrong choice.

I say “I’m sorry” and do what I can to fix what I did.

I ask Heavenly Father for forgiveness.

I do my best to make good choices and keep God’s commandments.

How I feel when I repent:
