Hello from Nigeria
April 2023

“Hello from Nigeria!” Friend, Apr. 2023, 18–19.

Hello from Nigeria!

Learn about Heavenly Father’s children all over the world.

A picture of Africa with Nigeria highlighted

Nigeria is a country in West Africa. About 216 million people live there.

Many Cultures

A group of people from Nigeria

Illustrations by Valeria Cis

Nigeria has more people than any other African country. It has many different groups of people, with more than 500 languages!

Wonderful Wildlife

An elephant, a crocodile, a zebra, and a baboon

Nigeria has deserts, plains, swamps, mountains, and jungles. Each place is home to all kinds of plants and animals.

The Church in Nigeria

A man baptizing people

In the 1960s, no missionaries were in Nigeria. But many people wanted to be baptized. They worshipped together and wrote to Church leaders. They waited patiently. Finally, in 1978, they were baptized! Today Nigeria has more than 200,000 Church members.

Sunday Rice

A bowl of rice and stew

Many Nigerian families eat a meal of jollof rice or white rice with stew after church. It’s a Sunday tradition!

3 Temples

The Aba Nigeria temple

The Aba Nigeria Temple was dedicated in 2005, and two more temples are on the way!
