Missionary Challenge
July 2023

“Missionary Challenge,” Friend, July 2023, 38–39.


Missionary Challenge

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Illustrations by Sammie Francis

Learn about what missionaries do! Then follow the path and do the challenge.

Missionaries meet new people and talk to them.

Get to know someone in your class or neighborhood who you don’t know.

Some missionaries learn a new language.

Learn to say a few words in a new language. You might learn to say, “Jesus loves me” or “I am a child of God.”

Missionaries share their talents! Some play the piano at church, learn scriptures to share, or use other talents to bless others.

Think of a talent you have. Then use that talent to serve someone!

Missionaries pray for others.

Think of two or three people you know and pray for them. Ask Heavenly Father to bless them.

Missionaries teach others about Jesus Christ.

Tell a friend or family member something you learned about Jesus in Primary.
