“Jesus Showed Us the Way,” Friend, August 2023, 4–5.
Jesus Showed Us the Way
Jesus Christ is Heavenly Father’s Son. He came to earth to show us how we can return to Heavenly Father someday. Jesus was baptized. He taught that we should be baptized too.
Jesus showed us how to live. He loved and helped everyone. He wants us to follow Him.
Jesus felt all of our pain and suffered for our sins. Then He died for us. This is called the Atonement of Jesus Christ. He was resurrected. That means He lives today! Because of Jesus Christ, we will also live again after we die.
Jesus did all these things for us because He loves us. Because of Him, we can live with our Heavenly Father and our families someday.
We can follow Jesus by being baptized. We can also follow Him every day when we love and help others and keep His commandments.