Giorgia’s Big Day
Special Issue: Baptism and Confirmation

“Giorgia’s Big Day,” Friend, August 2023, 8–9.

Giorgia’s Big Day

“I’m going to get baptized soon,” Giorgia said. “Just like Jesus was!”

This story took place in Australia.

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Giorgia ran up to her room with Matilda close behind. It was always a fun day when her friend came to play.

“Can we play with your robot?” Matilda asked.

“Yes!” Giorgia said. It was one of her favorite things to do.

While Giorgia got out the robot, Matilda looked at the pictures on Giorgia’s wall. She pointed at the picture in the middle.

“What’s that one?” she asked.

“That’s Jesus Christ being baptized,” Giorgia said. “And I’m going to get baptized soon. Just like He was!”

“Why are you getting baptized?” Matilda asked.

“Because I want to follow Jesus,” Giorgia said. “When I’m baptized, that’s what I’ll promise to do!”

Then Giorgia had an idea. “Would you like to come to my baptism?”

“I’ll ask my mom if I can,” Matilda said.

Giorgia’s baptism day got closer and closer. She read from her scripture story book and went to Primary every week. After she said her bedtime prayers, she looked at the picture of Jesus. She liked imagining what getting baptized would be like.

The Sunday before her baptism, Giorgia had her baptism interview. She and her parents talked to the bishop in his office. He asked her some questions to help make sure she was ready to get baptized.

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“Do you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God?” he asked.

She did! “Yes,” she said.

The bishop smiled at her. “Baptism is a very important choice. Do you want to be baptized?”

Giorgia thought about how much she loved Jesus and wanted to follow Him. “Yes!” she said.

Finally Giorgia’s big day came. As she stepped into the water, she saw her friends and family watching. Matilda was there too!

When her dad said the baptism prayer, the words made Giorgia feel peaceful and happy inside. Then he carefully dipped her all the way under the water and right back up again. When she came up, she felt happy and clean.

Dad gave her a big hug. Mum was waiting for her at the top of the steps with a towel and a smile.

Giorgia felt warm inside. It was a special day. She had chosen to follow Jesus. And she wanted to keep following Him every day!

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Illustrations by Shana Keegan
