Heavenly Father Knew
October 2023

“Heavenly Father Knew,” Friend, Oct. 2023, 28–29.

Heavenly Father Knew

Why would they need so many face masks?

This story took place in the Philippines.

Spencer heard the door open. His dad was home! Dad’s arms were full of groceries from the store.

Dad put the bags down and gave Spencer a hug. “I’m happy to see you!”

Man holding box of face masks

Mom pointed at a big box Dad had brought in. “What is that?”

“I saw a box of face masks on sale,” Dad said. “I had a feeling we could use them.”

Spencer was confused. Why would they need so many face masks now?

A week later, Spencer came home from school with his siblings. When they went inside, Mom was organizing piles of things all over the counter.

“Mom, what are you doing?” Spencer’s brother asked.

Family assembling emergency bags

“I’m replacing the supplies from our emergency bags,” Mom said. “I saw them on the shelf today and thought I should check them. This food is almost five years old! Will you help me?”

Spencer and his siblings helped Mom put water bottles and packages of food in the bags. Then Spencer helped Mom put them back on the shelf. They were heavy!

They put the box of face masks on that shelf too. After a few days, Spencer forgot all about them.

Family riding jeepney with smoke in the background

A few months later, when Spencer and his family came out of church, there was dark, thick air all around them. They coughed as they rode the jeepney home.

When they got home, Dad turned on the TV to see what was happening. The family gathered around to watch.

“Taal Volcano started erupting ash today,” the reporter said. “The ash is dangerous to breathe. Please wear a face mask. Everyone should stay home tomorrow.”

Spencer looked around at his family. Everyone was surprised.

“Oh!” Mom said. “That box of face masks!”

Dad grinned. “I knew there was a reason I bought them!”

“Dad, did you know the volcano was going to erupt?” Spencer asked.

Dad shook his head. “No,” he said. “But Heavenly Father did. And He sent the Holy Ghost to tell me to buy the face masks. We have plenty to share with others too.”

“And I think the Holy Ghost gave me the idea to check our emergency bags,” Mom said. “Now we will have plenty of water and food while we are at home waiting for the ash to clear.”

Spencer felt warm inside. The air was dark, but their home was safe, and they had what they needed. He knew Heavenly Father would keep helping them. Spencer was glad his family listened to the Holy Ghost!

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Illustrations by Laura Catrinella
