Reaching My Goals
October 2023

“Reaching My Goals,” Friend, Oct. 2023, 30.

Written by You

Reaching My Goals

When I was younger, I didn’t know how to read. I prayed to Heavenly Father to help me. I started learning vowels and consonants. With Heavenly Father’s help, I can now read very well.

Now I am eight years old. I love to read the Book of Mormon and the Friend magazine. I prepared to be baptized by reading about the baptismal covenant in the magazine. The day I got baptized was the best day of my life!

My parents, Primary president, and bishop encourage me to learn and grow. My bishop asks me each week what I have learned from the Book of Mormon. I also set goals with the Children’s Guidebook. Some of the goals I set are to read the scriptures every day, pray often, brush my teeth twice a day, and do the activities in the Friend magazine.

My brother and I set a goal together too. We joined the stake choir. We are the youngest members! We love to sing hymns.

I like to work on my goals. I’m grateful to our Heavenly Father for His help.

Girl cutting piece of paper
Story PDF

Illustration by Emma Rivera
