Tashis’ Test
October 2023

“Tashi’s Test,” Friend, Oct. 2023, 40–41.

Tashi’s Test

Tashi prayed that his hard work would pay off.

This story took place in Zimbabwe.

Tashi took a deep breath as his teacher gave the students their tests back. Even though it was only a practice exam, he was nervous about seeing his scores.

It was Tashi’s last year of primary school, and he had lots of exams. Besides tests in maths and science, he also had to take language tests. In Zimbabwe, they learned to write and speak in English and Shona. Shona was the hardest for Tashi.

“Here you go, Tashi.” Tashi’s teacher handed him his scores. He scored well on maths! And pretty well in English. But then Tashi saw his score for Shona, and his stomach dropped. He didn’t do well at all!

Boy walking sadly and dragging backpack on the ground

Tashi looked at the ground the whole walk home from school.

“What’s wrong?” Mom asked.

“I got a bad grade on my practice exam for Shona,” Tashi said. “I’ve always been bad at Shona. What if I fail the real exam?”

Mom sat down with Tashi. She looked at his scores. “It looks like you need more practice.”

Tashi groaned.

Boy and mom looking at Children’s Guidebook

“What if you set a goal to work on writing in Shona?” Mom pulled out Tashi’s Children’s Guidebook. Then she read the scripture on the first page. “And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.”* She smiled at Tashi. “Jesus grew a little at a time, and so can you.”

“OK,” Tashi said. “Do you think Heavenly Father will help me?”

“I know He will.”

Boy kneeling at bed to pray

That night, Tashi said a prayer. “Dear Heavenly Father, please help me to pass my Shona exam. Please help me to learn and get better. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.”

Tashi was grateful that he could pray for help. But he knew he needed to work hard too. Every day, Tashi practiced writing in Shona. He got extra help from his teachers. Sometimes he wished he could play with his friends or do something else. But he kept practicing.

“You are improving so much,” Tashi’s teacher said.

Tashi felt proud of himself for working hard.

Boy taking a test at school

Soon the day of the exam came. He said one more prayer and asked for Heavenly Father’s help.

The teacher gave the exams to the students, and Tashi picked up his pencil. As he began to write, he felt a warm, peaceful feeling. He knew it was the Holy Ghost. Heavenly Father was comforting him and helping him.

When the test was over, Tashi was excited to tell his parents about it. He didn’t know what his score was yet, but he felt good about it. He had done his very best.

“I’m proud of you,” Mom said.

“Thanks!” Tashi smiled and pulled out his Children’s Guidebook to read the scripture again. But he changed one tiny part. “And Tashi increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.”

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Illustrations by Pauline Gregory
