The White Stocking
December 2023

“The White Stocking,” Friend, Dec. 2023, 36–37.

The White Stocking

Chakell didn’t think her brother would ever change.

This story took place in the USA.

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Chakell laughed at her sister’s silly pictures. It was Christmas Eve, and she and her family were playing a drawing game around the fireplace.

Christmas Eve was Chakell’s favorite day of the whole year. She felt cozy and happy after all the treats and giggling. She didn’t want it to end!

“All right,” Mom said. “It’s time for the white stocking!”

Chakell grinned. Christmas Eve was her favorite day, and this was one of her favorite traditions.

Where she lived, people hung big, fancy stockings by the fireplace at Christmas. On Christmas morning, they would be filled with treats! But this stocking was extra special. Chakell and her family would fill it with gifts for Jesus.

Mom pulled out a beautiful white stocking with gold trim. Then she handed each person a little slip of paper and a pencil. “Write down one thing you want to promise Jesus next year,” she said.

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“Then we will put them in the stocking, and we’ll read them next year on Christmas Eve,” Dad added. “But first, let’s read our promises from last year.”

He reached into the stocking and pulled out the small slips of paper from last year. He handed them out, and Chakell quietly read hers: “I will help more at home.” She thought she did a pretty good job at that this year. But what would she write this time?

“I know what I’m going to write!” her sister said happily.

Chakell thought about what she could give to Jesus. What could she do better next year to be more like Him? What would He want her to do?

That’s when she saw her older brother, Braeden, writing something down on his slip of paper.

Chakell frowned. She couldn’t see what he wrote, but she was sure it wasn’t anything he would really do.

Braeden teased Chakell a lot, and they hadn’t been very nice to each other this year. She loved her big brother, but she didn’t think he would ever try to be more like Jesus.

Why does he have to be so mean to me? she thought.

She watched as he folded his paper and put it in the white stocking.

Braeden saw her staring and smiled. “Don’t peek,” he said.

Chakell looked back down at her paper and wrote, “I will try to be nice to everyone this year.” Then she put her paper in the stocking too.

Soon it was time for bed. But Chakell couldn’t stop thinking about what Braeden had written. Nobody was supposed to read anyone else’s promise to Jesus, but she really wanted to know!

While the others got ready for bed, Chakell snuck over to the white stocking. She found Braeden’s slip of paper and opened it.

“I promise to be kinder to Chakell this year,” it said.

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She couldn’t believe it. Was this really what Braeden wrote? She felt tears in her eyes and carefully tucked the paper back inside the stocking.

Mom always said that having faith in Jesus Christ could help anyone change and become more like Him. Maybe she was right. Maybe Jesus really could help Braeden and her be nicer to each other.

The next morning as Chakell sat down for breakfast, she still felt warm inside. As soon as Braeden came down the stairs she wrapped her arms around him in a big hug.

Braeden’s eyes widened. “Whoa, what’s this for?”

“I just wanted to give you a hug,” she said. “Merry Christmas!”

Braeden grinned and hugged her back. “Merry Christmas.”

Story PDF

Illustrations by Kevin Fales
