Following Jesus in Bolivia
February 2024

“Following Jesus in Bolivia,” Friend, Feb. 2024, 6–7.

Following Jesus in Bolivia

Meet Davinia!

How Davinia Follows Jesus

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Davinia follows Jesus by going to church. She likes to hear people’s testimonies. “I feel happy to learn so many things in Primary,” she says.

One time she went with her family to visit the Cochabamba Bolivia Temple. Her parents and brothers went inside to do baptisms for her family. While Davinia and her cousin sat in the waiting room, she felt the Spirit. “I felt happy because I know the temple is the house of God,” she says.

Davinia is excited to do baptisms in the temple one day. Soon a temple will be built near her home! She is preparing by going to church, reading the scriptures, and praying.

About Davinia

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Age: 10

From: Santa Cruz, Bolivia

Language: Spanish

Goal: 1) Be a veterinarian. 2) Learn to play piano.

Hobbies: Making crafts

Family: Davinia, Mom, Dad, three older brothers, and their dog (Pancho)

Davinia’s Favorites

Book of Mormon story: Nephi traveling in the desert

Holiday: Christmas

Fruit and vegetable: Strawberries and cucumbers

Color: Purple

Primary song: “I Am a Child of God” (Children’s Songbook, 2)

Story PDF

Illustrations by Zhen Liu