I Can Be a Friend
February 2024

“I Can Be a Friend,” Friend, Feb. 2024, 13.

Go and Do

I Can Be a Friend

Like Nephi, you can go and do what the Lord has commanded. (See 1 Nephi 3:7.)

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Illustration by Corey Egbert

The Lord has commanded us to love our neighbors as ourselves (see Matthew 22:36–39). You can follow this commandment by being a friend to others. Try one or two of the ideas below. Or write down your own idea!

  • Sit by someone new.

  • Say hello to someone who’s alone.

  • Invite someone to play with you.

  • Learn three new things about someone.

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A boy in my class looked lonely during recess. So I went to him and asked if I could play with him. Then we played. I felt good because I helped him feel happy. And that made me happy too.

Katie H., age 7, Hesse, Germany
