Eric’s Loud Voice
February 2024

“Eric’s Loud Voice,” Friend, Feb. 2024, 18–19.

Eric’s Loud Voice

This story happened in Ghana.

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I am a child of God, and He has sent me here …

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You have a loud voice, Eric.

I think it’s a nice voice.

Thanks! I want to learn to sing better.

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The next week …

I have a gift for you. It’s a hymnbook so you can learn more Church songs.

Wow! Thank you.

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Teach me to walk in the light of His love …

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Hope of Israel, rise in might! With the sword of truth and light …

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Sister Kaku just called. She asked if you two wanted to sing in the choir for stake conference.


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We’re so happy you are in our choir!


We love to sing about Jesus.

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You did a great job.

Singing makes me happy. I think it makes Jesus happy too!

Story PDF

Illustrations by Jared Beckstrand