undefined undefined Musical Math
Musical Math
February 2024

“Musical Math,” Friend, Feb. 2024, 17.


Musical Math

Story PDF

Illustration by Josh Talbot

Uplifting music can help us feel closer to Heavenly Father. You can listen to Primary songs while you solve these musical riddles!

  • quarter note = 1 count

  • half note = 2 counts

  • dotted half note = 3 counts

  • whole note = 4 counts

  1. (quarter note) + (dotted half note) = 4

  2. (whole note)(dotted half note) = ______

  3. (dotted half note) + (quarter note) + (dotted half note) = ______

  4. (half note) + ______ = 3

  5. ______ - (half note) = 1

  6. (half note) + (whole note) = ______

  7. (half note) + (quarter note) = ______