Jesus Christ Lives
March 2024

“Jesus Christ Lives,” Friend, March 2024, 2–3.

From the First Presidency

Jesus Christ Lives

Adapted from “His Spirit to Be with You,” Liahona, May 2018, 86–89; and “He Is Risen,” Liahona, Apr. 2013, 4–5.

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This time of year helps us remember the Savior’s sacrifice and His rising from the tomb.

I once stood with my wife outside a tomb in Jerusalem. Inside, we saw a stone bench against a wall.

But another picture came to my mind. I thought of Mary at the empty tomb. She was weeping because the Savior had died. She didn’t know where His body was.

Then “she turned herself back, and saw Jesus standing, and knew not that it was Jesus” (John 20:14). Mary thought He was the gardener.

“Jesus saith unto her, Mary” (John 20:16). Now Mary knew Him. She knew He was resurrected.

Because Jesus Christ overcame death, all of Heavenly Father’s children will be resurrected in a body that will never die.

I thank our Heavenly Father for the gift of His Beloved Son. I am grateful to know that He atoned for our sins and rose in the Resurrection. I testify that Jesus is the risen Christ, our Savior, and our perfect example.

Easter Story Wheel

Cut out the circles and put the first circle on top of the other. Poke a hole in the center and hold them in place with a pin or metal brad. Then turn the top circle to tell the Easter story.

The Easter Story

  1. Jesus came to Jerusalem on Palm Sunday (see Mark 11:7–11).

  2. Jesus gave His disciples the sacrament (see Matthew 26:26–28).

  3. Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane (see Mark 14:32–36).

  4. Jesus died for us on the cross (see Luke 23:46).

  5. His body lay in a tomb for three days (see Matthew 27:59–64).

  6. Jesus lived again. And He lives today. (See Matthew 28:6–9.)

Story PDF

Illustrations by Alyssa Tallent
