Come, Follow Me Activities
March 2024

Come, Follow Me Activities,” Friend, March 2024, 28–29.

Come, Follow Me Activities

For home evening or scripture study—or just for fun!

February 26–March 3

Paper Temples

For 2 Nephi 11–19

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Isaiah taught that temples are special places where we learn about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ (see 2 Nephi 12:3). Make your own temple! Fold a piece of paper into thirds. Cut one end into a triangle. Unfold the paper and draw yourself in the middle.

March 4–10

Singing Testimonies

For 2 Nephi 20–25

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Isaiah shared his testimony of Jesus Christ. He said Jesus was his strength and his song (see 2 Nephi 22:2). What songs about Jesus do you like? Talk about why you love them. Then sing them together!

March 11–17

Line upon Line Storytime

For 2 Nephi 26–30

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Heavenly Father helps us learn “line upon line,” or a little bit at a time (2 Nephi 28:30). Together, tell a favorite scripture story one line at a time! Everyone takes turns saying one sentence of the story until the story’s done.

March 18–24

Steps to Follow Jesus

For 2 Nephi 31–33

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Nephi taught that we follow Jesus Christ when we have faith in Him, repent, are baptized, receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, and endure to the end (see 2 Nephi 31). Write each step on a different piece of paper, then spread them on the floor. One person closes their eyes and counts to 10 while everyone else stands on a paper. The person who counted then says one of the steps to follow Jesus. The person on that paper counts next.

March 25–31

Easter Lilies

For Easter

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Because of Jesus Christ, we will live again after we die (see Alma 40:22–25). Make the Easter lilies craft on page 17. Put your lilies where your family can see them to help you remember the Savior this week.

Story PDF

Illustrations by Katy Dockrill