“Following Jesus Together,” Friend, March 2024, 20–21.
Following Jesus Together
Primary children in Shefa, Vanuatu, learned about their family history. They made posters of their family trees and shared what they learned at a Primary activity.
“The Garden of Gethsemane,” Mitchell H., age 10, Arizona, USA
“He Is Not Here; He Is Risen,” Rachel O., age 7, Arkansas, USA
Clara and Brighton S., ages 5 and 7, Bavaria, Germany
Adelyn B., age 12, Texas, USA
We love to color eggs and do an Easter egg hunt. There is always one plastic egg that is empty. It reminds us of the empty tomb after Jesus was resurrected!
Eli W., age 6, California, USA
On Easter morning, we go to church and come back home to learn more about our Savior. We have 12 Easter eggs that represent things He did. The last egg is always empty because it represents that Jesus is risen!
Scarlet A., age 10, New Mexico, USA
I know Heavenly Father loves us and gave His Son to save us. I love going to church with my family and meeting my friends in Primary. I love my Primary teachers because they sing with us in class!
Melanie C., age 6, Blantyre, Malawi
I have been playing the piano since I was five, and I practice a lot. I feel happy when I play the piano. I really like playing for my friends at their baptisms.
Julián G., age 7, Maule, Chile
I learned the Articles of Faith to prepare for my baptism. My parents helped me learn about the covenants I would make at my baptism.
Logan M., age 9, Coahuila, Mexico
My family moves a lot. I’ve learned how to make new friends in new places. I ask people if I can sit by them at lunch. I make friends when I ask questions and talk to others.
Annie W., age 11, Capital Governorate, Bahrain