Easter Lily Craft
March 2024

“Easter Lily Craft,” Friend, March 2024, 17.


Easter Lily Craft

Easter lilies can help us remember Jesus Christ’s Resurrection. Lily bulbs grow under the ground for a long time before they bloom in the spring. After Jesus died, His body was placed in a tomb. But after three days, He lived again!

Make your own Easter lilies by following these steps.

  1. Trace around your hand on a piece of paper and cut it out.

  2. Wrap it into a cone shape and tape closed. Leave a small hole at the bottom.

  3. Curl each finger around a pencil.

  4. Put a stick through the hole in your flower to make a stem. Tape the flower to the stick. Optional: Paint the top part of the stick yellow and the bottom part green. Add paper leaves.

Story PDF

Artwork by Anna Oldroyd