undefined undefined Fruit Chase
Fruit Chase
March 2024

“Fruit Chase,” Friend, March 2024, 33.


Fruit Chase

Story PDF

Here’s a game you can play with friends and family!

  1. Mark a start line and a finish line. Choose one person to be the chaser.

  2. Everyone stands on the start line and secretly chooses a fruit. The chaser stands behind the start line with their back to the other players.

  3. The chaser says the name of a fruit.

  4. The players who chose that fruit run to the finish line. The chaser turns around and tries to tag them.

  5. Whoever gets tagged is the chaser next!

Meal Maker

In the Word of Wisdom, Jesus told us what foods would be good to eat. Read Doctrine and Covenants 89:10–12, 14. Then draw some of your favorite meals on the plates below!