Working Together
October 2024

“Working Together,” Friend, October 2024, 2–3.

From the First Presidency

Working Together

Adapted from “Our Hearts Knit as One,” Liahona, Nov. 2008, 68–71.

Family praying

We are all different. But the Lord’s prophets have always asked us to have unity. When you have unity, you love each other and work together.

One way we can be united is by praying together. I once knelt at bedtime with a family I was visiting. The smallest child gave the prayer. He prayed for every person in the family by name.

Another way to build unity is by being a peacemaker. A peacemaker helps people see what they have in common. Even our differences can help us learn and grow.

If we are united and follow the Savior together, we can become what Heavenly Father wants us to be.

Jesus Christ Puzzle

President Eyring taught that we can do more when we are united! Cut along the dotted lines and give pieces to each member of your family. Then work as a team to match the colors and put the pieces together.


Illustration by Alyssa Petersen