Come, Follow Me Activities
October 2024

Come, Follow Me Activities,” Friend, October 2024, 28–29.

Come, Follow Me Activities

For home evening or scripture study—or just for fun!

September 30–October 6

Treasure Box

For 3 Nephi 12–16

Two kids putting things in a box with hearts in it.

Jesus Christ said, “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” (3 Nephi 13:21). Decorate a box with hearts and pictures of the Savior. Then write or draw things that you can do to be like Him and put them in your new treasure box. You can look through your box each Sunday to remind you to follow Jesus that week!

October 7–13

Remembering Jesus Christ

For 3 Nephi 17–19

Two children creating art.

Jesus Christ gave the sacrament to the Nephites. He taught them to take it so they could always have His Spirit with them (see 3 Nephi 18:7). Go to page 19 to make a door-hanger craft to help you remember Jesus during the week.

October 14–20

Keeping a Record

For 3 Nephi 20–26

A girl writing.

The Savior told the Nephites to keep a record of what He taught them and the things that happened to them (see 3 Nephi 23:4, 7–13). Draw or write about something good that happened to you this week. How has Heavenly Father blessed you?

October 21–27

Jesus Brings Joy

For 3 Nephi 27–4 Nephi

Three children playing charades.

In 4 Nephi, the Nephites were joyful because they followed Jesus Christ (see 4 Nephi 1:15–16). Take turns silently acting out things you do to follow the Savior that bring you joy. Have everyone else guess what the person is acting.


Illustrations by Katy Dockrill
