Better Every Day
October 2024

“Better Every Day,” Friend, October 2024, 38.

Written by You

Better Every Day

Boy reading the scriptures

I love reading the scriptures! When the new temple in Cape Verde was built, I helped with the temple open house. I wanted to be prepared to visit the temple, so I read the Book of Mormon and finished the Old Testament picture book three times.

Now I am starting to read the Doctrine and Covenants. There are lots of things about temples in there! But my two favorite scripture stories are both from the Book of Mormon, about Ammon and Captain Moroni. I want to be like them. Reading the scriptures is how I follow Jesus Christ.

I also follow Jesus Christ by trying to accomplish my goals. My spiritual goals are to be ready for church on time and to read the Book of Mormon. My physical goals are to practice karate and soccer. My intellectual goals are to read the Book of Mormon and to learn English. And finally, my social goal is to always help my friends. My goals help me to be better every day!


Illustration by Derek Cox