Following Jesus in South Korea
December 2024

“Following Jesus in South Korea,” Friend, December 2024, 6–7.

Following Jesus in South Korea

Meet Uicheon and Ji-in!

How Uicheon and Ji-in Follow Jesus

Children in South Korea

Uicheon follows the Savior by praying when he needs help. When he was younger, he lost part of his toy car. He was sad. Then he and his father prayed together. Right after they said “amen,” they found the missing part! “It was such a quick answer to our prayer,” says Uicheon.

Ji-in followed Jesus Christ by being baptized. She wanted to follow His example. “When I stood up from the water, I had a great feeling and thought about Jesus,” she says. “I felt refreshed, and I thought I became a better person.”

About Uicheon and Ji-in

Smiling children

Ages: 10 and 8

From: Gyeonggi-do, South Korea

Language: Korean

Goals: Uicheon wants to be an architect. Ji-in wants to be a kindergarten teacher.

Hobbies: Uicheon likes drawing, painting, and origami. Ji-in likes playing with miniature sets and watching videos.

Family: Uicheon, Ji-in, Mom, Dad, younger brother

A happy family

Their Favorites

Book of Mormon Story: Uicheon’s favorite story is Lehi’s dream of the iron rod (see 1 Nephi 8). Ji-in’s favorite story is Nephi getting the brass plates (see 1 Nephi 4).

Family Tradition: Uicheon likes playing games with his family. Ji-in likes having family movie nights.

Fruits: Uicheon likes watermelon and mango. Ji-in likes strawberries and grapes.

Colors: Uicheon’s favorite color is blue. Ji-in’s favorite color is pink.